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Author: Nick the Disney Devo (tee)

The Wilderness Lodge and Fort Wilderness Resort

and Camp Ground
The Villas at Wilderness Lodge

In part 1, we looked at The Wilderness Lodge, today, I thought we’d take a quick look at the Villas, the Disney Vacation Club section. The Villas are in a separate building adjacent to the Lodge, connected via a covered walkway. I will be honest, it has a different feel than the main building. Some may prefer it, as it is more quiet, and quaint. I prefer the main Lodge myself.
Still, I wouldn’t hesitate to stay there again, as it is a great location, and beautiful in and of itself.

This was a corner, so out a small window to the left, we had a view of the quiet pool.
I actually prefer this pool to the main pool, as it has bubbling jets, like a hot spring.

From our balcony, a view through the trees of Bay Lake.

In the lobby, a hidden Mickey!

The very cozy chairs next to the fireplace.

A photo of Walt, enjoying his favorite hobby.

In the Carolwood Room, you will find 2 train cars, donated by Walt’s daughter to the Wilderness Lodge. The cars actually come from Walt’s own backyard railroad, the Carolwood Pacific Railroad! Disney Diva says that this is the absolute BEST place for toddlers to take a little nap!

I love maps, and this hangs just off of the Carolwood Room.

Next, in the series we’ll take a look at the Cabins at Fort Wilderness.

Nick is co-writer of the Disney Musings Blog with his wife, Barbie.