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By D’land Diva

Oh Lug Parachute Mini Backpack…how I love you!

I will confess to being an over-packer. That’s right. I’ve been to Disneyland 400 plus times and I still pack too much. The way I see it- better to be over prepared than under prepared. Plus, I have a six year old and a three year old, so I just plain have a lot of stuff that I need to bring with me into Disneyland.

Now, you know the people with those huge backpacks that look like they might tip over at any second? That is me. For the past few years, since I have a little, I have sort of used the stroller as extra storage space. The issue I have had lately, is that my little doesn’t want to be in the stroller all the time. But, I don’t want to carry a huge backpack that weighs twenty pounds either!

This is where the Lug Parachute Mini Backpack comes in. This thing is awesome! It looks so small and compact and fits like a dream with its extra strap across the back of the neck and cushioned straps that fit around your arms. The backpack is also made of a water resistant finish so it repels all those Splash Mountain water splashes nicely. But, best of all, the Lug Parachute Mini Backpack has awesome storage. There are so many little pockets and zippers for all the goodies I bring into the park with me!  It even includes a detachable change zipper pouch.

What can I fit in my mini-backpack? A windbreaker jacket, band aids, sunblock, my son’s inhaler, Dramamine, Aleve, toys, snacks, a battery charger, a cord for the battery charger, my lip balm, my cell phone, wallet, Starbucks gift cards and my annual pass. The backpack fits nicely on rides and makes it easy to get items in and out in a jiffy.

Parachute Mini Backpack

What do I also love about the Lug Parachute Mini Backpack? The colors! Our Undercover Diva has a purple one and I have a blue one. No more boring black backpack!

But, how about letting us show you the Lug Parachute Mini Backpack in action? Both Undercover Diva and I have put together videos so you can see just how useful the backpack is on Disney trips. Undercover Diva shows you how it looks at Walt [LUG] Disney World, and I show you how it looks at Disneyland.  Check out our YouTube videos!


Lug also has several other things that I think might be useful for theme park trips. Things like this cross body bag.


Skipper Shoulder Pouch Cross Body Bag


This would be great for folks who don’t bring too many things into the parks. Also useful? This Everyday Tote.  It can be used as a diaper bag as well!



Windjammer Everyday Tote


And if you are spending the night at Disney, you might want to consider this Weekender Bag.


Airbus Weekender Bag


Now, let’s get down to business, shall we? We have partnered with Lug to be able to give a Parachute Mini Backpack to one lucky reader! Just leave a comment on this post telling us when your next Disney trip is. We will announce a winner tomorrow morning.