by Disney Magic Diva | May 1, 2021 | Disney DIY Projects
by Disney Magic Diva One of my favorite Spring activities is making May Baskets. To make them extra magical for family and friends, I decided to give them a Disney twist this year. It’s super simple, and a great activity for your kids. First, though, maybe I should...
by Disney Magic Diva | Dec 9, 2020 | Disney Fun, Holidays at Home
by Disney Magic Diva Nothing quite evokes fond holiday memories as the aroma of gingerbread. Whether it’s a scrumptious gingerbread cookie or the delectable scent of a gingerbread display at one of the Walt Disney World Resorts (oh, how we miss those this year!),...
by Disney Magic Diva | Apr 8, 2020 | Disney Fun
by Disney Magic Diva We all need a little magic these days. As we deal with all the uncertainty and disruption, we try to find the small blessings in our lives. #DisneyMagicMoments is just what we need. While Disney Parks worldwide are closed due to the global...