by Marvel Diva | Nov 13, 2019 | Writers
Hello, hello, hello! I’m Marvel Diva. I grew up in the suburbs of Cleveland, spent nearly 4 years living in Orlando, Florida as a Walt Disney World cast member, and am currently working in the digital marketing industry in Southwest Ohio. My parents still live...
by Tinker Belle Diva | Oct 9, 2019 | Writers
By Tinker Belle Diva I’m lucky. I get to not only visit my favorite places on Earth, but I also get to write about them and help you navigate your way around Disney Parks. From my first visit to Walt Disney World in 1980 to my most recent visit this summer, I am...
by Military Diva | Aug 28, 2019 | Writers
by Military Diva Hey all! Military Diva here-introducing myself as part of our NEW Writer Wednesday posts! As you can probably guess, I’m part of a Military Family! My husband of 24 years, is an Active Duty Soldier serving with the National Guard. We...
by Pixie Dusted Diva | Jan 14, 2019 | homepage, Vacation Planning Guides
Happy New Year! It’s a new year and we are looking for new writers to expand our team! If you have a passion for writing and find yourself eating, sleeping and breathing Disney, we would love to have you apply to join our awesome team of writers! Do you like to...