by Disney Magic Diva | May 2, 2018 | Epcot, Epcot Flower & Garden Festival, Walt Disney
by Disney Magic Diva Okay, be truthful. How many of you love the festivals at Epcot because of the food? Sure, there’s typically great music and, depending on the festival, cultural, culinary, artistic, or horticulture seminars, but what really matters is the food. ...
by Disney Magic Diva | Mar 23, 2018 | Epcot, Epcot Flower & Garden Festival, Special Events Tips & Reviews, Walt Disney
by Disney Magic Diva Spring is finally here, and that means Easter isn’t far away. To celebrate, Walt Disney World Resort is once again offering a limited time Egg-stravaganza as part of the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival! (Read Pink Diva’s review...