by Disney Magic Diva | Apr 30, 2016 | Disney Fun, First Timer Tips, First Trip Tips, Hollywood Studios, Meeting Characters, Parades, Special Events Tips & Reviews, Walt Disney World, Walt Disney World
by Disney Magic Diva Loud, ominous music begins blaring from the loudspeakers. A stern voice commands “Advance!” A platoon of stormtroopers begins marching in step. Soon you hear another command, spoken with all the authority of someone who rules the...
by Character Diva | May 17, 2015 | Disney Fun, Disneyland Video Tips, Special Events Tips & Reviews, Star Wars Weekends, Star Wars Weekends, Video Tips, Walt Disney World, Walt Disney World
Are you going to the Star Wars weekends this year? Or is going to a Star Wars weekend on your Bucket List to do some day? Tangled Diva shares some of her tips she discovered last year for meeting the celebrities and characters at the Star Wars...