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Author: Disney Diva

I had the opportunity to read “A Christian’s Guide to Walt Disney World Resort” by Jeff Chaves. The book is available via download at as an e-book for your kindle for $9.99.

I honestly had no idea what I might be about to read, but I knew it had something to do with Disney and with being a Christian. I figured it was just going to be another tips of the trade guidebook honestly, and since I’m pretty open about the fact I’m a Christian in my “about me” I didn’t give it another thought!The Guide is a delight! It’s actually a series of short daily devotions that “move along with you” throughout the park. It gives you something like a ride or a piece of scenery that you will see that can help you direct your families thoughts to how God is the ultimate storyteller! And they’re not hokey at all! It would actually be good to back with you and read while waiting in a long ride line as they’re both informing and thought provoking.

Its also hard to be in a big fight of meltdown madness when you’re trying to “help you make sure your child also sees God at Disney World”.

So consider purchasing this book if it fits your faith. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.