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By Soarin’ Diva

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Find Your Laughing Place On Splash Mountain

Splash Mountain is a favorite attraction for almost every Disney Park goer, and there is a good reason for that.  This attraction is an adorable and fun ride for the young and old.  Based on the 1946 Disney film, Song of the South, Splash Mountain features many of the cuddly and cranky characters from the stories told by Uncle Remus in the film.  The attraction features the clever Brer Rabbit being pursued by Brer Fox and Brer Bear.  Please, for the love of all that is Disney, PLEASE don’t tell your kids Brer means briar.  As someone who was born and raised in the peach state of Georgia, I can assure you, Brer does NOT mean Briar.  It means brother, it is a shortened adaptation of the friendly title of brother.  The good country folk would call other brother out of love, and in that country twang, it would come out sounding like brer.  Again, I reiterate…BRER DOES NOT MEAN BRIAR!!!!  Can you tell I’ve heard other people who had no idea what it meant try to explain it to their kids while waiting in line before?  There, I have that off my chest now, we can continue.

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Splash Mountain Sign

Featuring 68 of Disney’s famous Audio-Animatronics, the ride lasts for approximately 10 minutes and 41 seconds at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom.  This is over a full minute longer than the Disneyland version, and 41 seconds longer than the Disneyland Tokyo version.  The ride is known as a log flume ride.  It starts out as a peaceful float with a slight dip in some parts.

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Brer Fox

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Brer Bear

DISNEY DIVA TIP 1: If you have ever seen Splash Mountain in the parks, you know already that there is a bit of a drop.  As a matter of fact, the drop is 50 feet which you will travel at 40mph.  This can be frightening for smaller children, so Rider Swap may be an option for you to explore for this attraction.

DISNEY DIVA TIP 2: You WILL get wet on this ride.  Sometimes you will even get drenched.  If you don’t want to walk around for a couple of hours with a wet behind, I suggest you either utilize one of those many poncho’s you see at Walt Disney World, or skip the ride altogether.

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Brer Rabbit

If neither of these points bother you in any way, continue on reading about Splash Mountain.  As you travel through the first section of Splash Mountain, you get to hear the adorable Brer critters talking amongst each other, as well as enjoy some very catchy music from Song of the South.  You will fall in love with all of the characters, even Brer Bear and Brer Fox.  When Brer Rabbit is eventually captured by Brer Fox, he cleverly hatches a plan to get away.  All he has to do is use a little reverse psychology by begging and pleading Brer Fox to NOT throw him in the briar patch.  Naturally, since Brer Rabbit is Brer Fox’s foe, the first thing he wants to do is throw him directly into the briar patch.

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Brer Vultures

This is where you will start ascending up to the top of the mountain into the “Laughing Place.”  This, my friends, is where the big drop will happen, so be prepared.

DISNEY DIVA TIP 3: This is where the ride photo op takes place, during the drop down.  Choose your favorite pose and get ready to cheese it up! 

After you hit the bottom of the drop, you will again peacefully float outside around the curve, where you will end up inside again.

DISNEY DIVA TIP 4: As you round the curve, your log will usually pause on the other side of the drop.  Nine times out of ten, another log will drop while you are sitting there, drenching you in the water that log throws out.  Be prepared for that.

Welcome Home Brer Rabbit

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Zip A Dee Lady

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Zip A Dee Lady

Once back inside, the sounds of Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah sung by all the critters greets your ears and it’s very hard not to clap and sing along.  As a matter of fact, don’t bother trying not to, just join in the fun and sing with the music.  You will float past the Zip A Dee Lady, a large riverboat filled with Brer creatures of all kinds and happen upon Brer Fox trying to free poor bumbling Brer Bear from a trap laid for the wily Brer Rabbit.  You will again float outside one more time at the very end of the ride and find a small waterfall on the right side of the boat.

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Brer Fox and Brer Bear

Splash Mountain at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

Brer Alligator

DISNEY DIVA TIP 5: Many times this is a spot where the logs will get backed up due to guests unloading.  If you are one of those lucky, or unlucky depending on how you view it, guests who sat on the right side…be warned, you will get drenched.  I have a little hint for you, if you want to be the one who gets the lesser amount of water splashed on you, make sure YOU load onto the boat before your partner.  That ensures you will be on the left side & you can avoid this waterfall.  I got away with this little secret for quite a while before my husband caught onto what I was doing.  You can also make sure you aren’t loaded in the first row of the boat, they usually get the wettest.

Outside decorations at Splash Mountain

Now that you know what to expect from Splash Mountain, I encourage you to give it a try.  Whether you like to get wet or not, you are bound to love the theming of the ride and walk away singing Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Da with a spring in your slightly soggy step.  You’ll dry off quickly in that Florida heat anyway, so be brave and go for it!

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