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By Fashion Diva

Let me just start out by saying how I almost ruined my own proposal 4 times because I just thought it had to be in the perfect place at Disney. This is the story of how my Prince Charming was able to surprise me and make it magical!

I told Tyler from the start of our relationship I wanted to be engaged by the time I was 25! I told him I would leave him if that didn’t happen… well my 25th birthday was getting closer and I decided to take the time clock off…

Tyler wanted to surprise me and he couldn’t if I was counting down! In September I saw a post from Disney on Facebook talking about Disney proposals. I thought how amazing! Tyler NEEDS to see this without him knowing I have… so of course I opened my big mouth and talked about it with my sister and brother in law. Clint, my brother in law, decides to tell Tyler about my dream of a Disney proposal. Tyler later tells me how upset he was about “something” that was ruined!!! He was going to do it the WHOLE time and I ruined it… however I played dumb and just held out for it. When my birthday trip of the year came and went I was SOOO depressed…

In December before our Christmas trip, I was talking to my brother in law again (yes this is becoming a theme) about the hot air balloon in Disney. He had really wanted to take my sister in it just the two of them. So I looked up how much it would cost and all the packages they had. I came out of the computer room and told him that they have EVERYTHING including anniversary and engagement deals… little did I know that Tyler was planning on proposing in this hot air balloon during out trip! After our LAST trip to Disney for 2010 I thought he was NEVER going to do it… however Tyler had plans of his own to make sure it was a surprise and this is how it went down!

I was running late for a Dr’s appointment after work. As I was putting some letters in the mail, a co-worker asked about a limo that was outside. I shrugged and said I didn’t see it. When I walked back, I saw a white limo. I was thinking who would be getting picked up from here in a limo??? Oh well… I needed to hurry. I grabbed my stuff and walk outside. The limo driver walks up and opens the door for me. I am thinking wow he is going above and beyond his job. Then he looks at me and asks “Are you Tiffanie?” I looked at him oddly and said yes. He then told me to come with him… I know this is probably not a good thing…getting in the car with strangers… BUT it was a freaking Limo… I thought I might have won something!

The guy opens the door and I see Tyler with roses and champagne. I asked him “What is the occasion?” He then tells me that it is me and gets down on one knee. Neither of us can remember what he said… but I am sure it was beautiful (he rehearsed the whole way there)! After calling family & friends we head downtown to take pictures… then we are off to a romantic suite on a beach front hotel for the night. Tyler had me scheduled for an in room massage… I was SO happy and felt very pampered…

However… it was NOT over!  He drove me to my mom’s salon where my sister did my hair and then we left for our first trip to Disney ENGAGED. He knew I would want to look my best for our engagement pictures =) We arrived to Mickey’s Merry Christmas at 7pm. Tyler took me to town hall where they gave us “Just Engaged” buttons. Tyler rushed me over to Frontier Land for the Toy Story dance party. Woody approached me and asked me to dance and we twirled around on the dance floor. (I LOVE Woody…he is my fav) It was a dream. After this Tyler told me to hurry up we needed to get to Fantasyland. When I get there I see the Evil Stepmother and Sisters. Tyler talks to the camera man and next thing I know we are taking hilarious pictures of them being jealous and Tyler proposing!

So…that is my proposal story!!! Even though I tried to force it, Tyler waited until I would be COMPLETELY surprised…and it was the best proposal EVER! We are starting to plan our wedding for November of this year… at…drum roll please… Disney! 🙂