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IMG_2301One of the big things parents are concerned about when they go on their first Disney vacation is “what happens if my kids get lost?!?” First off, rest assured that Disney is amazing at dealing with this, but there is something you can buy that will give you some piece of mind.


SafetyTat is a “tattoo” similar to a band-aid, but with much more adhesive, that you can put onto your child. They come in many different styles which you can see HERE.

For our review we decided to get a set of the Quick Stick Write-on tattoos.IMG_2302 You can find them online at retailing for $9.99 plus shipping costs. There was a lizard, rocket, dog, ladybug, and flower tattoo in the variety pack, so they were great for girls or guys of any age.

They do not require water to apply, are sweat-proof, and waterproof. Our variety pack comes with 6 tattoos, a special marker to write your contact phone number on, and rubbing alcohol pads.

IMG_2303Step 1: Rub the spot you would like to apply the tattoo to with the alcohol pad to get any oils or dirt off the location. You want to make sure you put the tattoo somewhere where it can be easily seen by someone who might find your little one, but not in a place that will be uncomfortable or that they will scratch/ pick at too much. We chose the forearm. To do this, please, after removing the clear top layer, place on your child’s skin with your hand on top of it and let your body heat help set the adhesive to the skin for about 60 seconds (It’s a great time to sing ABC’s or talk about the purpose of his/her SafetyTat child ID tattoo!)”


Step 2: Peel off the backing for the sticky part that will stick on the arm but leave the tops to easily handle. Put onto location and smooth down.


IMG_2308Step 3: Use the marker to write the phone number of the phone you will have with you when you are in the park.

And you’re all done!

So how long does it last? Well we put the sticker on my son and daughter on 2/27. My son just took his off on 3/9! And I told him to go ahead and take it off because it was partially pulling off. So his stayed on for 12 days and we actually had him take it off, so it probably could have lasted longer. My 5 year old daughter began picking at hers much earlier so it began peeling in one side, so on her 4th day I told her she could take it off.

IMG_0851Four days and one vigorous swimming session later and you can see that the tat was in tact and completely attached.

The tattoos are hypoallergenic, latex-free, soy-free and nut-free. It has a warning on the site to not use if you have known skin allergies or sensitive skin. I was an idiot and didn’t read this part (my fault not theirs) and my daughter has extremely EXTREMELY sensitive skin and said it itched once or twice but my 9 year old son said he never felt it and it never bothered him a bit.

Taking it off was a bit of drama with my daughter. I ripped it off quickly, like a band-aid, and she cried and sniffled for a little bit. Dawn, the creator of SafetyTats recommends “low and slow” for taking the safetytat off. My son took his own off and laughed and laughed at how white and “pickled” his skin was from under it. This could be a little bit of drama with your little one, but I’m sure there’s something out there about how to get one off less painfully.

I think the product is excellent! It’s far less cumbersome than an identification band made of plastic that irritates children to death! It’s temporary and not expensive and it meets a need that parents have in Disney parks; to be able to be reunited with their children quickly should they get separated from one another. You can learn a lot more about SafetyTats and order some of your own by going directly to

imageSafetyTat has also been generous enough to donate a set of tattoos to giveaway! Giveaway will run from today (March 12th) to 12:00 noon on Friday (March 16th).

You can “enter” the giveaway by:

1. Commenting on this post and telling us which of the Safety Tattoos you like the most (you can see the different kinds HERE).

2. Liking the SafetyTat facebook page.

3. Liking the Tips from the Disney Diva facebook page.

And if you don’t win I’d STILL recommend you buy some SafetyTats. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed! I certainty wasn’t!