by Tips from the Disney Divas & Devos Highlights | Dec 28, 2016 | First Trip Tips, Staying off property, Walt Disney, Walt Disney World
by Military Diva During a recent trip to Magic Kingdom our family overheard a conversation between a cast member and an unhappy guest. Essentially, there was some frustration due the amount of guests with FastPasses that were “cutting” the line in front of...
by Fairy Diva | Aug 17, 2016 | Attraction Reviews, Magic Kingdom WDW, Ride Ages, Trips with toddlers, Walt Disney, Walt Disney World
by Fairy Diva Part of the whole Walt Disney World experience is waiting in line. It is not one of the highlights of a trip, but is often necessary. This proves to be even more challenging when you have little ones in tow. Minutes can feel like hours as you wait in...