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Top Four Magical Proposal Ideas At Disneyland

Top Four Magical Proposal Ideas At Disneyland

by Practically Perfect Diva When most people think of Disney, words like “magic,” “fairytale,” and “happily ever after” come to mind. If you are planning on proposing to your princess (or prince) soon and would like to make it...
Disneyland and Walt Disney World Countdown!

Disneyland and Walt Disney World Countdown!

 By Tangled Diva I absolutely love going to Disney World!  But, I also love the anticipation that leads up to our next trip and finding unique ways to countdown until our next trip.  My son (6) especially loves these, because it is a visual reminder to him of how we...

Dating at Disneyland: The Top 5 Most Romantic Spots in the Park

By D’land DivaDisneyland holds a special place in my heart in many ways, but perhaps no greater way than it is the place where D’land Diva hubby and I went on some of our first dates and became engaged there. It may be strange to think of Disneyland as a...