by Disney Magic Diva | May 1, 2021 | Disney DIY Projects
by Disney Magic Diva One of my favorite Spring activities is making May Baskets. To make them extra magical for family and friends, I decided to give them a Disney twist this year. It’s super simple, and a great activity for your kids. First, though, maybe I should...
by Disney Magic Diva | Aug 22, 2020 | Disney DIY Projects, Disney Fun
by Disney Magic Diva We all love the thought of spending time in a Disney Park. It’s magical, right? Sometimes, though, all the pixie dust in the world just isn’t quite enough to get you there. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have some magic in your own castle! ...
by Disney Magic Diva | Apr 8, 2020 | Disney Fun
by Disney Magic Diva We all need a little magic these days. As we deal with all the uncertainty and disruption, we try to find the small blessings in our lives. #DisneyMagicMoments is just what we need. While Disney Parks worldwide are closed due to the global...