by Pin Trading Diva | Aug 23, 2017 | Disneyland, Disneyland
By Pin Trading Diva It seems that every time I visit a Disney Park I find something new and interesting. Whether it’s a new food item (I remember my first Dole Whip – AMAZING!) or seeing a parade like Paint the Night for the first time – there is an abundance...
by Pin Trading Diva | Nov 21, 2015 | Attraction Reviews, Disney Fun, Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland landing attractions, Disneyland Park, First Timer Tips, First Timer Tips, First Trip Tips, Holidays at Disney, Tips, Trips with babies, Trips with Teens
by Pin Trading Diva It may be a small world, but Disneyland goes BIG for its holiday takeover of this classic attraction. From dazzling lights on the facade to a giant revolving snowman on the inside, It’s A Small World combines the traditional appeal of...
by Dland Hubby | Nov 4, 2014 | Disneyland, Disneyland, First Timer Tips, Good Neighbor Hotel
by D’land Hubby Fortunately, for most of the time D’land Diva and I dated, we were able to go down to Disneyland on Friday nights for date night. After work we would catch a quick nap and head down for dinner, a few attractions, and the fireworks. Even...
by Dland Diva | Apr 10, 2014 | Attraction Reviews, Disneyland
By D’land Diva There are few attractions at ALL of the Disney Parks as well known or as well loved as the It’s a Small World attraction. This attraction takes guests in a boat on a trip around the world with 300 costumed Audio Animatronic and still children dolls, all...