by Disney Magic Diva | Jul 5, 2022 | Walt Disney
by Disney Magic Diva Walt Disney World Resort is a popular destination to celebrate life’s most cherished moments. If you want to remember those moments with magical photographs, Capture Your Moment is the perfect solution! We booked this Enchanting Extra for a day...
by Pixie Dusted Diva | Apr 26, 2020 | Video Tips, Walt Disney World Video Tips
by Disney Magic Diva It’s that time of the week again.. Video Sunday! That time where we share one of our favorite video tips with you. In today’s video tip, Disney Magic Diva shares a great tip for a FREE photo shoot for anyone at Walt Disney World....
by Devo CabDisney | Jan 24, 2020 | Disneyland, Walt Disney
By Devo CabDisney If you’re like me, you’re really familiar with either Disneyland or Walt Disney World but not necessarily familiar with the other. I’ve been to Walt Disney World many times but just about a month ago, I traveled to Disneyland for the second time in...
by Tinker Belle Diva | Jan 14, 2020 | Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland Park, First Timer Tips, First Trip Tips, Trips with Teens
By Tinker Belle Diva This coming spring, all of the performing arts students at our middle school are taking a trip to Disneyland. While there will be plenty of chaperones busily keeping track of them, they will be able choose which attractions to ride as well as...
by Tinker Belle Diva | May 8, 2019 | California Adventure, Character Meet and Greets, Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland Park, Downtown Disney, First Timer Tips, First Trip Tips, Souvenirs, World of Color, World of Color California Adventure, World of Color Fastpass
By Tinker Bell Diva We recently had a post to our Tips from the Disney Diva Facebook page from someone planning their first visit to Disneyland and was only going for one day. We answered her questions, and I decided to summarize them here for other first time...