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Can we do it?

Can we do it?

Have you SEEN the size of the Kitchen Sink at Beaches & Cream Soda Shop? It’s absolutely HUMONGOUS!! Because of the sheer size of the delicious, cavity inducing treat, it’s become one of the “must do’s” of Walt Disney World, therefore, placing itself on my Disney bucket list at number 17 (score!  I get to cross something off my bucket list).

Let’s start with a little description of The Kitchen Sink.  Eight scoops of ice cream..that’s right, I said EIGHT scoops, as well as brownies, peanut butter, cake, cookies, bananas, hot fudge, THREE different sauces, an entire can of whipped cream, topped with cherries and sprinkles.  Does that sound intimidating to you?  It sure did to me, but thankfully, I had one full-grown male, as well as two growing teen males with me to tackle this sweet baby.

This particular delight was served at Beaches & Cream Soda Shop, which is located at The Beach Club Resort.  It is HIGHLY recommended that you make a reservation to eat here, especially if you are going during the busy season.  We actually spent our morning at Hollywood Studios, then caught a boat over to Epcot, where we were able to walk right over to Beach Club.  We had plans to eat lunch before enjoying The Kitchen Sink.  Knowing how huge the ice cream dream treat was, I opted for a light seafood salad sandwich, which was really yummy by the way, just to make sure I didn’t over stuff myself before hand.

When we finished our meal, we let our awesome server know we were ready and willing to give it a try.  As he came out with our huge 9000 gram of fat bowl (just kidding, I’m sure it’s only about 2 grams of fat), he made a loud announcement that we were about to attempt to eat the kitchen sink, letting all the other customers know what was in the bowl, stopping and showing the treat to others along the way.  You can see the video of it if you click here, Video of CM bringing us the Kitchen Sink.

My family before we attempt the Kitchen Sink

My family before we attempt the Kitchen Sink

Just look at all of that sticky delightfulness!!  As we gathered our spoons and our fortitude, we scooped some into our bowls and dove in.  Was it tasty?  Of course it was, it’s ice cream!  I won’t lie, I had to stop at one bowl myself.  Thank goodness I have my guys to pick up my slack.  Between my one little bowl, and their slack picking upping, we did it.  We managed to finish every bite.

I can't believe we ate the whole thing!

I can’t believe we ate the whole thing!

The finished product

The finished product

There was nothing left but a small puddle of melted chocolate ice cream.  And we were stuffed.  Incredibly stuffed.  So….do I have any tips to offer on conquering The Kitchen Sink?  Well, actually, since you ask..I do have a few.

DIVA TIP #1: Perhaps, in retrospect, we shouldn’t have enjoyed lunch first.  Perhaps, just maybe, we should have let this delight actually BE our lunch.  Just a thought.

DIVA TIP #2: I recommend enjoying this treat during the lunch hour, then taking that stroll to Epcot to burn off a few of those calories consumed, and work up an appetite to enjoy dinner at World Showcase.

DIVA TIP #3: This is a dining plan friendly option.  Since it serves four, we were able to use this as our dessert with our dining plan, and not have to pay extra out-of-pocket.

If you haven’t had the chance to try The Kitchen Sink yet, I do recommend it.  It’s a fabulous, if filling treat during those hot, sultry, central Florida days. Are you ready to start planning your magical vacation and enjoy all that Disney has to offer, but you aren’t sure where to start? Contact our recommended travel agent, Patricia at All Dreams for Travel, and she can do all the work for you. Best of all, all of her services are FREE, all you have to do is click here to request a quote!

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