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By Local Diva

It is without fail that on any given trip to WDW, you will spot some terrible sunburns. A painful sunburn can easily put a damper on your vacation. Here are some tips to stay sun safe in super sunny Florida:

  1. BRING SUNBLOCK and lots of it – my family of four goes through about one spray can of sunblock every two days on our vacations. Between the pools and the parks you are sure to encounter LOTS of sun, and it is always more economical to bring it yourself!
  2. WATERPROOF – this one is very important! Even if you do not plan on spending time at the pool, you are bound to walk through a misting machine, get splashed on a ride, or, quite frankly, change your pool-hating ways once you hit the scorching sun!
  3. KNOW YOUR SPFs – while no amount of SPF truly blocks 100% of UVB rays, an SPF of 45 blocks about 98%, compared to and SPF of 15, which only blocks 92%. Pay attention to your skin, and consider that you will need quite a bit more protection in the Florida sun.
  4. APPLY PRIOR TO SUN EXPOSURE – most sunblocks require time to set into your skin (especially before swimming), so apply your sunscreen about 30 minutes prior to exposure
  5. APPLY CONTINUOUSLY – whether you “feel” the burn or not, re-apply your sunscreen every two hours
  6. KNOW THE FLORIDA SUN – You can get burned at 8am or 7pm, sun shining, or hiding behind the clouds. The Florida sun is powerful and underestimated, and burns are often noticed when it’s too late
  7. TEST YOUR LOTION – one of my worst trip memories is when I bought a new baby sunscreen to use on my daughter’s face. It caused her to break out and burned her skin for hours at the park. Everyone’s skin is different, so swatch the sunscreen on your forearm and your cheek before you pack it.
  8. DON’T FORGET YOUR EARS – a common cry of dermatologists ’round the globe!
  9. PREPARE FOR THE BURN – no matter how much protection you bring, prepare in advance by bringing some aloe gel in case of surprise burn.