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by Disney Magic Diva

It’s an election year, and it seems like politics are in the headlines every day. Voting is a privilege we should all exercise, for it is the very foundation upon which our American democracy was founded. We owe it not only to the founding fathers and all the brave men and women who fight to keep our freedom every day, but also to ourselves to make our voice heard. But deciding who to vote for can be tough. Thankfully, there’s one candidate we can probably all agree should remain in office – The Honorable Christopher George Weaver, the Mayor of Main Street, USA in Walt Disney World Resort’s Magic Kingdom!

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Mayor Weaver presides over the Magic Kingdom Welcome Show

If you’ve never met the Mayor, you’re missing a treat! Many mornings he will preside over the Magic Kingdom Welcome Show just before Rope Drop. After the park opens, he can often be found wandering around Main Street, USA, greeting guests, signing autographs and posing for photos. Just like a politician, right? I bet he would even kiss your baby!

Our most recent encounter with Mayor Weaver was while we were waiting for the Festival of Fantasy parade. We had staked out our curbside spot on Main Street, and were enjoying a Plaza Sundae.

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Look at all that whipped cream!

TIP: If you are looking for a way to pass the time while waiting for a parade, try the “Plaza” Ice Cream Sundae from the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor Two scoops of your choice of ice cream flavor, hot fudge, and whipped cream with a cherry on top. All in a waffle bowl. And best of all – it’s a snack credit on the Disney Dining Plan! Delicious!


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The Mayor gave my granddaughter his card!

The Mayor was wandering down Main Street, working the crowd so to speak, like any good politician. He’d stop and chat with anyone who seemed interested in visiting with him. He noticed my granddaughter was wearing a Birthday Button, and stopped to wish her a Happy Birthday. He even sang her his own special version of “Happy Birthday.” (I won’t say anymore, in case you get an opportunity to have his unique serenade yourself someday!) She was a little speechless, but really enjoyed the special attention. And then as a little extra magic, Mayor Weaver gave us his card. My husband told her he’d “keep it safe” for her, but somehow it’s still in a prized spot on his dresser! Talk about a priceless souvenir!

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A prized souvenir!

We often envision our trips to Magic Kingdom to be full of those memorable moments we dream about – picture perfect castle photos, magical encounters with your favorite characters, breathtaking fireworks, time with your loved ones making unforgettable memories. We work tirelessly, save ruthlessly, and spend hours planning in hopes that our vision will be achieved. But don’t forget to be open to the less grandiose details Walt Disney World Resort has to offer, especially those you can find on Main Street. DevoCab Disney reminds us of many of those details here.  Because sometimes, no matter how much you’ve planned and schemed, the most magical moments are out of your control and happen when you least expect them.

Keep planning. (If you need some expert help, contact Patricia at All for Dreams Travel!) Keep researching. Keep working to make your Disney vacation the best it can possibly be. But don’t forget to take a moment to appreciate the details, and especially don’t forget to “Pull the lever and vote for Weaver!”


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