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Boulangerie Patisserie

Author: Diva Mommy

Before you enter this wonderful bakery please keep one thing in mind, it is a very bad idea to visit here on an empty stomach.

You will find the Boulangerie Patisserie tucked in the back corner of the French pavilion. Just look for the Eiffel Tower and walk towards it!

Actually, all you really have to do, is follow the wonderful aroma in the air and you’ll be there in no time!

They serve so many delicious items here I don’t even know where to start. A few of my favorites are the cheese plate, french baguettes, ham and cheese croissant, apple tarts, chocolate croissants, fruit tarts, chocolate mousse and eclairs. Also. they have amazing coffee, cappuccino and espresso…so yummy. The chefs over at Chefs de France restaurant help prepare these delicious treats so you know they are going to be the best.

As soon in you walk in, the smell overpowers you and your eyes start looking at all the delicious food. There are two identical cases on either side of you, so no need to push to see whats in the other one. And when you get to the end, don’t forget to order a coffee which would go perfect with everything this Bakery has to offer.

Around lunch time, this can be a very popular spot, so it is helpful to go during off times such as a little before or after the normal lunch rush. Just allow yourself enough time to grab a treat if you plan on heading over there around Illuminations. What we normally do is send someone from our group inside to get all the treats while the others hold our seats outside. This way we make sure to have good seats and some great treats for the fireworks.

There is seating just outside the bakery along the sidewalk. which have cute bistro tables so you can people watch. If you go to the left, when you are leaving the bakery, there is a seating area inside as well. This spot is usually quiet, and it gets you out of the Florida heat or rain. It is also a great place for your baby to take a nap, as mine has done on several occasions. A quick tip: Sleeping Beauty has been known to walk right by the indoor seating, I’ve seen her there on numerous occasions, and while she is there, there is hardly ever a line to meet her.

Open at 11am
Items are under $10
Disney Dining Plan is accepted here, for snack credits