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By Dopey Diva

    Nobody does parades like Disney does a parade and the Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade is my absolute favorite.  I know most of the Disney Divas recommend going back to your hotel for resting or pool time during midday when the parks are the most crowded, but I cannot miss the Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade which begins promptly at 3 pm, the melt down time. I would rather risk the crowds and temper tantrums then miss out on this event.

  People tend to gather early for this parade, usually at least 45 minutes before it begins. If you have not had lunch yet, I suggest grabbing a quick service meal, and finding a nice spot on the curb. You might even be able to grab a bench if you are lucky, and enjoy a good meal while waiting for the parade to begin. The parade begins next to the Harmony Barber Shop (a great viewing area). From there it circles around Town Square, heads down Main Street, goes around the Hub in front of Cinderella Castle, crosses the bridge to Liberty Square then onto Frontierland where it ends. (Sometimes it does go in reverse order).

There are dozens of characters in this parade and best thing is most of them are not on floats, but are walking on the street. They dance and act silly and will even stop and interact with children (and some adults) which is truly a magical experience! Even though my favorite character (Dopey) is on a float I still find it magical when he looks at me and points!

For those of you who prefer the villains you are in luck! There are plenty of them walking around among the good guys.

        So if  you and your family need to relax, but don’t want to go back to your hotel room, what better way then to watch a Disney parade? There is lively music, dancing cast members, and all of your favorite characters in one area! Give it a try just once, I know you will love it!!