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By Dopey Diva

I know a lot of people think Epcot is not the best park to take their kids and will even skip going to Epcot for fear their children will be bored. Let me tell you that next to the Magic Kingdom, Epcot has been my youngest son’s favorite park since he was 17 months old. There really is a lot to do in the park for children if you just take your time to find it. In fact the newest interactive exhibit, Colortopia, located in the Innoventions East building is great for kids. Normally we don’t have much free time to enjoy the Innoventions buildings while at Epcot but on my families most recent trip, I happened to be walking through Innoventions East with my boys and noticed this new exhibit and wanted to give it a try. I knew my 5 year old would enjoy it and was quite shocked when my 16 year old said he wanted to go with us, so for those of you with older kids you might let them know this can be fun for all ages.


Colortopia consists of 3 different zones. The first zone you will enter is the Power of Color Theater. Here you walk into a large room that is completely white. After everyone has entered the room the narrator (Ty Burrell) talks about every color of  the rainbow and what memories or emotions can be triggered by these colors. As he mentions the colors the walls in the room change to whatever color he is talking about making everything in the room that particular color.


The second room you enter is the Color Lab. Here you are able to play 2 interactive games. One is the Spinning Spectrum where you learn about the persistence of vision through the painted spinning discs. The other game is the Color Mix ‘n Match. On this game you have to try to match the color on the display by moving the levers and adjusting the levels of color on the panel. You are only given a certain amount of time, so you have to be quick! If you get them all right you may end up being the Color Master. In this room you may stay and play as long as you want or you can even skip it and head over to the third room.


The third room you enter is the Color Our World Studio. This is where the magic happens! The preshow room is another white room but once the cast member comes out he will tell you how to make your color shadows on the wall. After a few minutes the cast member will  explain how the special magic paintbrushes work before escorting you into the “painting room”. In this room you are able to paint the interactive mural of your choice on the large walls. There are many colors of magical paint cans where you will take your brush and dip it in the color of your choice and your paintbrush will magically change colors. Then you take your paintbrush to the mural and begin painting your masterpiece. Whenever you want to change colors you just return to the paint cans and dip your brush again. As you are painting, certain items on your mural will move or even change into different objects.


When your time is up you will exit the room and return your paintbrush  and there will be a computer with the number of your painting. From here you are able to type in your information and have your painting sent to your email giving you this magical memory to keep forever!


So if you are looking for something fun and different to do with your family make sure to give Colortopia a try! This is also a great place to get in from the rain or out of the hot sun for a little while.