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Author: Diva Mommy

I’ve found Walt Disney World to be very toddler friendly! If you forget something don’t fear, because they will usually have it available to buy. However, you always want to make sure you bring as much of your own things as you can, so you don’t have to spend your “fun” money on things like diapers and milk. I always make a packing list just for my daughter, so here are some of the basics from the list that I suggest you always bring.
  • A hat – never forget a hat. Those little heads are so sensitive and you definitely don’t want to burn them
  • Sunblock – get some strong baby sunblock for that Florida sun (50+). The baby sunblock dries fast and isn’t greasy. They even have these stickers to go on your kids that change color when its time to apply more sunblock.
  • Ziplock bags. These come in handy for any clothes that get wet over the course of day, either from a splash pad or an accident. Ziplock bags will ensure that everything else in your bag won’t get wet too!
  • An extra set of clothes. I always have a spare outfit in my diaper bag every day, just in case. You never know if there will be a spill from ice cream or a bathroom accident or your kid just cannot stop themselves from getting on a splash pad and cooling off.
  • Swimsuits. Of course you bring them, but it’s always good to bring two or three. One for a swim in the morning and one at night. Those suits don’t dry very fast in an air-conditioned room, and they get cold. Make sure you keep one in your perfectly packed backpack for the park as well for the splash pads.
  • A sweater. In Florida it might sound crazy, but at night it cools off and having a little one just sitting in the stroller( maybe even sleeping), they will need a light sweater. There are some cooler rides you might need them as well.
  • A “lovey” from home. Anything familiar that you child can get comfort from, for example a blanket, a toy, a stuffed animal, or a pacifier (MULTIPLE pacifiers if they have to have one to calm down because you don’t want to be without them!) Something to sleep with or just have comfort from during those inevitable meltdowns from the over-stimulation at the park.
  • Cold medicine. Yes they do they sell it in the gift stores, but for a much higher price. I know from personal experience. It’s always a good idea to bring it because the rooms are so air conditioned, you can catch a cold just from that (from personal experience!). You can see a complete list of meds to bring by reading THIS article and make sure you know how to get to a doctor if an infection sets in, which you can find on THIS article.
  • Wipes! Always, always bring wipes. Ice cream, sneezes, diaper changes, cotton candy, mickey ice cream bars. Enough said! Both you AND your baby will need them!
  • Small toys. Little toys are good to have in the parks, for entertainment in the stroller and in line. Something like bubbles, stickers, or the little board books. I make a run to my local dollar tree to pick up a few small toys before we go. Don’t bring anything in the park that they will absolutely implode if they lose though because they will likely lose it!
  • Snacks. Good snacks to bring are things like goldfish and small crackers. Stop at your food store before you leave home, and buy the snacks that come in travel sizes. Then you get about 10 bags all individually wrapped and easy to toss in your diaper bag every day. I also bring the travel juice mixes, then all I need is water in a sippy-cup. Just shake it up and BIBBIDI…BOBBIDI…BOO instant juice.
  • A good diaper bag or backpack for in the parks. I usually bring a backpack, there’s enough of compartments for everything and it’s hands free while your carrying it. It’s so much easier in line with a backpack instead of always pulling up the diaper bag strap cause your baby is pulling it down. I’ve even seen people with the clear backpacks, then you get through security faster without having to unzip ever compartment. Again, check out Disney Diva’s article on the Perfectly Packed Backpack if you need help knowing what to bring.
  • Swim diapers. Yes they do sell them at Disney, but at a very inflated price. So it’s good to bring them. Just throw some in your bag for the day to use in the splash pads and, of course, in the pools.
  • A sippy-cup. You don’t want to get all the way to Disney World and find out your toddler can’t quite drink from a straw when they’re tired. So bring a few cups with you. WDW can get very hot and you want to make sure to keep them hydrated throughout the day.

Aside from these things don’t forget any of the basics such as enough clothes(plus extras), diapers, and lots of fun. Now your toddlers all packed. Do you know what YOU need to bring? Read the Disney Diva packing articles and even get a printable packing checklist there.