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By: Disneylove Diva

001Scratches, sprains, and broken bones. Injuries can happen, even at the happiest place on Earth. That’s right, injuries happen at Walt Disney World. I know from personal experience that it is very easy to become so wrapped up in all of the magic that Disney has to offer that you don’t see the puddle of water in front of you and you end up hyper-extending your knee. It happens, it’s as simple as that. But even with injuries, you can still have ever-lasting memories at Disney World. Here are some tips to prepare yourself just in case someone were to hurt themselves.

Be Prepared: Pack anything and everything that you could think of that could help with all injuries. Medicine, icy hot patches, ace bandage, Band-Aids, knee brace, etc. All of these could help in case of injury. But don’t panic. If you were to forget something Disney has First Aid clinics at all parks. You can also buy certain items at resort stores. Like I said, it can 002happen, but it doesn’t mean it will. But it is better to be prepared. My last trip to Disney I slipped and hyper-extended my knee and we still had to go to Hollywood Studios. I was worried because my knee swelled up and hurt. But luckily for me, my mom came prepared. She had icy hot patches and an ace bandage. Because we were prepared for the worse, I was able to enjoy my last day at Disney World. If you do have to wear a brace of some sorts, make it Disney. Put stickers on it and make it blend in with the Disney atmosphere.

Disney Can Help: As you can tell from photos I was not the only one injured. My dad broke his leg a while back but that wasn’t going to keep us from Disney World. Our trip was 195possible because we could rely on Disney for wheelchairs and scooters. Disney rents scooters from a trusted scooter company such as Amusement Park Rentals. After learning about this company we could reserve my dad a scooter weeks in advance for our entire trip and it would be delivered to our resort. But I’m sure you’re wondering what if you aren’t staying at a Disney resort. Don’t panic! Disney has scooters and wheelchairs that can be rented at the parks, all of the parks in fact. You can be rest assured that if the unexpected happens, Disney can help. Remember the clinics I mentioned? They can help as well. Don’t get me wrong, these clinics aren’t like going to the hospital, but are great for quick fixes when you need a bandage, ice pack, or things like that. These clinics can easily be found on the park maps and cast members can help as well.

Be ready and don’t panic: Kids are more than likely to fall and scratch themselves and as long as you stay calm, they stay calm. Just keep bandages and antibiotic cream in reach for those scratches. It is better to be safe than sorry so be sure to pack extra medical supplies. An injury won’t ruin a Disney 003vacation. Just follow these tips and remember that Disney can help in case you forget anything. Try and be safe but remember, injuries happen even at Walt Disney World.