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When you’re at Disney Autographs are all the rage! But after the vacation is over what do you do with them?

StitchesNBows has made this adorable canvas tote (exclusively for Disney Diva Fans) that you can have the characters sign directly on the tote bag with your sharpie! Super cute and fun to use later!
So are you going to Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise? It doesn’t matter! This tote will travel with you and tell the world that YOU LOVE DISNEY!
So after your next Disney vacation this cute could bag could look a lot more like this one!

I know you’re excited so let me tell you how you can enter to win!
Just set up an account on rafflecopter (which is FREE) and in a few short clicks you could be the winner of this great bag!
Also, check out some of these ADORABLE designs made by StitchesNBows! You can find and order these and more at the etsy website,