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by Military Diva

So there you are, in the “happiest place on earth”, beaming at your wonderful planning skills.  You’ve thoughtfully invested time into booking your Advance Dining Reservations (ADR’s), carefully planned your Fast Pass+ selections (FP+), successfully packed your entire family and traveled to Walt Disney World.  You arrive expecting the best, but inevitably something goes wrong.

What happens if you are happily strolling through the Magic Kingdom, arrive on time for your Splash Mountain Fast Pass+ selection and realize the water is not flowing from the mountain?  Gasp!  You see the smiling Cast Member with the eyes that say, “uh-oh, here comes another one!”  And you begin to worry.  Le Sigh.

Fast Pass+

Fast Pass+

Yes our suspicions were correct.

As we approached the smiling Cast Member we were quickly informed that Splash Mountain was indeed, temporarily, shut down.  They were making necessary emergency repairs and were unable to offer any information as to when the ride would open.

So what happens with our cancelled Fast Pass+?

Wait for ride to open or choose new FP+?

Wait for ride to open or choose new FP+?

Of course Disney Magic took care of the issue before we even knew there was one.  We were advised to take a look at our “MyDisneyExperience” app on our phones.  (We also had the option to take an old style FP card with instructions from the CM.)

Our Fast Passes had been modified!

We had the option to check Splash Mountain’s status later in the day.  Once open we could use our original FP+ at anytime that day.  Or we were given the option to use those Fast Passes at a different listed attraction, also at any time of the day. (High popularity rides and already full experiences such as Seven Dwarfs Mine Train are excluded.) We only had to head to the listed attraction, scan our Magic Band (or hard park ticket), and enter the FP+ cue line.

What a neat surprise!

Now of course we were disappointed at not being able to ride Splash Mountain.  This would have been our youngest child’s first opportunity to ride.  But in all reality, it was a little chilly that day.  This “glitch” to our schedule gave us the opportunity to add some spontaneity to a heavily planned vacation.  Honestly I think the kids enjoyed picking from the list and heading in a new direction!

What happens when your selected FP is cancelled?

What happens when your selected FP is cancelled?

Here’s a quick recap just in case you ever experience a Fast Pass+ cancellation while on vacation:

  1. Arrive at your attraction and speak with the Cast Member.  They will be able to inform you if this is a quick delay or a longer closure.
  2. Check your “MyDisneyExperience” app for changes to your Fast Passes.
  3. If Disney changed or modified your FP+ selection you will see a screen of options where the original FP+ was located. Note: our original FP+ was scheduled for a 10:30-11:30 am window.  The options page shows the new FP+ options starting at 10:30 am with no end time.
  4. Wait for your attraction to reopen and enter FP+ line at anytime during the day.  **or**
  5. Choose a new FP+ attraction from the list of options and enter that FP+ line at anytime during the day.

So remember-rides, shows and parades may be cancelled by Disney for any reason, at any time.  While the closure typically involves a safety issue such as mechanical problem or poor weather,  it is in Disney’s best interest to have everything fully functioning as soon as possible.  If your Fast Pass+ is cancelled for repair or weather, please be patient and find the fun in the adventure! You might be surprised by the new experiences!