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Disney John's Camera 1260

By Dopey Diva

Disney World is great when it comes to not needing a car on property. They provide different methods of transportation to get you to and from the parks, water parks, resorts, and Disney Springs. You can ride the bus or the monorail or even boats depending on where you  are going. Of course there are rules for all of these means of transportation and I just want to fill you in on a few rules of the bus, since it is the most used transportation and since not everyone may know ahead of time what to expect when riding the buses.


First and foremost….ALWAYS allow sufficient time to get to your dining or fast pass reservations. Most bus drivers will tell you to allow 90 minutes from your pick up to your drop off destination. Even though it may not always take that long you need to be prepared. If you have a dining reservation for 8:30 am at Chef Mickey’s you do NOT want to be getting on your bus at 8:15 am because odds are, you will miss your reservation.


STROLLERS: You MUST take your child/ children out of the stroller, empty it, and fold it up BEFORE the bus comes. Do not wait until the bus pulls up to do this because then you cause everyone behind you to wait when you could have already had it done.  I know sometimes your child is asleep but you have to take them out, that is the rule. Yes it can be inconvenient and your child may cry when you take them out but it is required on the buses. Also, your strollers cannot block the aisle or be dropped by the back door. If at all possible place it under your seat.

WHEELCHAIRS and EVC’s: Buses can only accommodate two wheelchairs/ EVC’s at one time. If there are more than 2 waiting in line the others will have to wait until the next bus arrives. Only those in wheelchairs (and those with them) or EVC’s are to enter through the back door of the bus.

When getting onto the bus if the bus driver says to please go the back of the bus first, then please do so. Also, if at all possible,  please leave the silver handicap seats available for those who may board the bus later and need those seats.


There is NO eating allowed on the bus. Beverages are allowed but only if they have lids on them.

Please do not use spray sunscreen on the bus. People around you may not appreciate the fumes or the spray coming towards them or their family. You should apply sunscreen in an open area away from others.

And lastly, when the bus arrives to pick up guests please wait until he/she waves you aboard the bus before rushing to the door. Everyone is going to the same place and there is no need to push and shove your way through the crowd.

This may sound like a horrible list of rules but if everyone were to pay attention and follow the rules,  then it could lead to a much more pleasant experience not only for you and your family but for everyone around you as well as the bus driver. Just another way to keep Disney the magical experience it is supposed to be!