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Let’s Hear it For a Reputable News Source For Once!

Let’s Hear it For a Reputable News Source For Once!

by Soarin’ Diva Remember the good old days, when you could trust that your news came from an impartial, trustworthy source? It seems like more and more, newscasters have lost their way lately, and instead of impartially reporting the news, have made it their...
A Politician We Can Love: The Mayor of Main Street, USA

A Politician We Can Love: The Mayor of Main Street, USA

by Disney Magic Diva It’s an election year, and it seems like politics are in the headlines every day. Voting is a privilege we should all exercise, for it is the very foundation upon which our American democracy was founded. We owe it not only to the founding...
Main Street, USA, Walt Disney World

Main Street, USA, Walt Disney World

By Diva Viva The Main Street Trolley Many families have a limited time in Walt Disney World, and for those times, it is important to schedule your time and make the most of it. For those with extra days or families that don’t feel the need to see everything or rush to...