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By D’land Diva

Deep within Adventureland in Disneyland, right on the border of New Orleans Square, sits the majestic Tarzan’s Treehouse. If you visited Disneyland twenty years ago or more, you may remember this attraction as the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse. The treehouse has been redesigned to fit along with the Tarzan movie, but there are still several Swiss Family artifacts left in the treehouse! See you if you can spot them!

The very best thing about this attraction is that even on the busiest of days, this attraction is not overly crowded. It is a treehouse, however, and some of the narrow paths may get blocked as folks stop to check out the details. This attraction is all stairs, so if there is someone in your party who is sensitive to long climbs, they may want to wait down at the bottom of the treehouse. There are some seats next to a nice waterfall down there.

For the more adventurous guests in your party, the trek begins up a set of stairs. There are more stairs and bridges as guests travel up the tall tree. There are many sights to see! The windows tell Tarzan’s story nicely, and if you have seen the movie, you will recognize that it does a good job of that. For the littles, the fun is in crossing bridges, ringing bells (yes, be on the lookout for that ringing bell) and the ups and downs of the stairs. 

This attraction is a fun distraction. During wet weather (yes, it does SOMETIMES rain in sunny Southern California) the attraction will close due to slippery conditions. All guests must be able to walk on this ride.

Happy climbing!