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Author : Diva Mommy

Fireworks are one of my favorite things to watch at Walt Disney World. They are always amazing!
However, sometimes, for little ones, fireworks can be very scary and loud. So what can you do to make it as magical for them as they can be? Here are my top tips!
Tip 1: Pick a spot you think will work for your family and get there early to “hold” it. There are many good viewing spots at the parks, you can look at a list of favorites here.
There are some important things to keep in mind while choosing a fireworks viewing spot when little ones are with you, such as:
  • How loud they will be and how crowded it will be around you. At Magic Kingdom the closer you are to the castle the louder and brighter the fireworks are. I have found with my daughter that she is far more comfortable being farther down Main Street.
  • Make sure you have a good view. Sometimes the castle or trees can actully block your view. Especially if you are close to the castle. I’ve found somewhere around Casey’s Corner’s Hot Dogs is a good spot, but its also very crowded.
  • Keep in mind to after the fireworks everybody makes a mad dash for the buses. If you want to be on on the first people out, you will need to choose a spot that is close to the entrance at any either Magic Kingdom or Epcot.
  • Choose your night parade spot based on where you want to view fireworks. Keep that in mind if you are planning to see Spectromagic or Main Street Electrical Parade, Magic Kingdom’s nighttime parades, (Main Street Electrical Parade is the current show) it happens just before the fireworks. Night parades are awesome, and your little ones will love it.
  • Bring something to keep kids entertained while waiting for fireworks to begin. Also something fun that kids like, and it keeps them entertained until the fireworks start are glowsticks. They do sell all kinds of them at the parks, just before the fireworks start, however they are much cheaper to buy at home before you leave. We just stop at out local dollar store and stock up before we go so we have some for each show. If you do end up buying one of the spinning light up characters, make sure you bring it along for the next trip to, just replace the batteries before you leave and throw it in your perfectly packed backpack.
  • Pick a viewing spot where you feel “safe”. There are alot of people there at night, and if you’re on Main Street everyone jostles, shoves, and pushes to the middle of the street. Your little ones are, well… little, and they can run out of your sight in a second. Be sure to follow some of these tips to keep their safety in mind.
  • Bring child sized ear plugs. An easy way to help with the loud sound is just to bring child sized earplugs with you. I know many adults that do this (like the Disney Diva) because the fireworks are so loud, even swimming wax will help, or ear-muffs or even large headphones. Sometimes just feeling like their ears are covered helps with some of the fear.
  • Know when the fireworks are scheduled. Some evening the parks have Extra Magic Hours, so make sure to check the times guide when you come into the park to verify that the fireworks will be presented at their normal times. That way your kids and you don’t miss any of the great fireworks!

It seems though that no matter how old kids or adults are are we all seem to love fireworks. Make every effort to help minimize the loud sound and fireworks will become one of your favorite memories from your Walt Disney World vacation!