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Named after the town credited as Walt Disney’s hometown, and the inspiration for Main Street, this is one of the sweetest places in Downtown Disney. Here you can get everything from fresh treats, ground coffee or any sort of snack you might want in the park. Most of the stuff here can be found within the gates of Disneyland, and it’s not any cheaper, so if you are visiting the park I wouldn’t make a special trip out to this shop.

But if you are a local with a couple hours to kill in Anaheim (or if you are like me and you are willing to drive an hour and a half just for fun), then this is a taste of Disney without the price of getting into the park. It’s always fun to stop in and drool over the character-inspired caramel apples,

Mickey shaped treats and any chocolate goodie you can imagine. And if you have any interest in how these treats are made, they have a huge display window where you can watch them make and decorate the goodies. And of course you can just stop to satisfy your sweet tooth.
