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Author: Mini-Diva

I saw Disney magic when I first walked into Disneyland and saw Mickey & Minnie Mouse. I was 6 years old at the time and I wasn’t convinced they were going to actually be there because “they are way too busy”, but when my eyes caught a glimpse of them I was just SO excited!

At that point in time we spent most of the day waiting in line for autographs. It felt like I was meeting the most famous mice in the world – and I was!

I was never the child to dress up in a Princess costume and walk around with my little wand swinging around, instead I would fill-up with adrenaline junkie rides and drag my dad around to every character I could find. It was almost as if the main thing was to get autographs and the rides were just to top it off!

Disney is most definitely a magical place. Dreams come true with fireworks, shows, and amazing rides. Even now as a teen I see magic around every corner!