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by Disney Magic Diva

I have a confession. Animal Kingdom has never been my favorite park. I love Expedition Everest, but other than that, there just isn’t much that interests me there. My hometown has a world class zoo, so the attraction of learning about the animals isn’t anything I can’t get at home. And although I’m a big fan of travel, I’m not very adventurous when it comes to trying new cuisine. So it’s just not my “go-to” park. stand

The grandkids, however, are a different story! They LOVE so many things about Animal Kingdom. Kilamanjaro Safari, Dino Land, Rafaki’s Planet Watch, Festival of the Lion King, Flights of Wonder, and on our most recent trip, they had a blast getting their Wilderness Explorer’s badges. They enjoy staring at the Tree of Life and finding animals carved into the trunk. But one of their favorite stops on every trip to Animal Kingdom is Muziki.

Located across from Tusker House and Tamu Tamu in Africa, this interactive experience is not to be missed! It’s simply a collection of drums sitting there, inviting anyone to stop and create music. Kids of all ages can have a great time pounding out their own special beat on all the various drums. With the addition of night-time hours to Animal Kingdom, the Harambe Wildlife Parti makes this attraction even more exciting. I was looking forward to enjoying this after-dark rendition, and watching the Harambe Market vertical resizecome to life with music and dancing, but on our recent visit we missed out on partaking in this party due to those pesky Florida rainshowers.

But even during the daylight hours, Muziki is a fabulous place to stop for a break in your explorations of Africa. There are numerous shapes, sizes and styles of percussion instruments for you to discover. As any parent (or grandparent!) knows, kids love to bang on anything. What a joy to watch them pound until their heart’s content on a musical instrument!

There are a variety of sizes and shapes of drums, so everyone can play. We have fun trying one, then another, and comparing the sound. close up resizeWe speculate as to why the sound is different. Or sometimes we listen to the beat someone else is playing, and try to join in the music with our own beat that complements what is already being played. For the younger kids, we will practice counting or repeating a beat. Who says Disney can’t be educational!?

Muziki is just across the pathway from Tamu Tamu, which has a wonderfully cool mister providing welcome relief to the Florida sun, as well as those unbelievable Dole Whips with Coconut Rum! It’s also next to a cart-type shop which sells pins. So you can have one adult play with the kids, and send the other to grab some grown-up refreshments or perhaps do a little shopping. Kids play, cool off in the mister, grab a drink, pick up a pin or two…that’s a win-win-win-win! So the next time you’re walking through Africa in Animal Kingdom, don’t just breeze by Muziki. Stop, exlore, and create some music! It’s a great place for a break for the entire family!

Ready to book your next Disney Vacation? Contact Patricia at All for Dreams Travel for a free quote! Her services are free, and she can help you with all of your Disney planning! wide shot resize

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