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By: Nick the Disney Devo

I won’t lie, I am not a fan of the rain, and I’m especially not enamored with it when I’m on vacation at a Disney Park.

But let’s face it, rain happens, and we just need to deal with it. You can either stick to indoor activities, like shopping at Downtown Disney or bowling at Splitsville.

Or you can turn that frown upside down, and just throw on a poncho!

We bring our own, but they are readily available at shops at the parks.
And parks are often less crowded during rain!

The one downside of a poncho is how hot you can become wearing one, especially on a humid Floridian day. So you may opt for an umbrella instead.
Next time you encounter rain at the parks, just grab a poncho or an umbrella, and keep having fun!
Portions of this article were originally posted on the Disney Musings Blog, which Nick co-writes with his wife, Barbie.