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Author: Canadian Diva

I have to admit something to you, I’m practically a newbie compared to the rest of the Diva team who have been to Disney World and Disneyland hundreds of times. I am a great researcher however (who knew skills I developed from University would be used towards planning trips to Disney World?) and I am a pretty good planner, but my true role models are the DIVA TEAM.

So how will I be planning for my next trip?

Without further adieu, here are the A – Z’s of what will help me and YOU……..

A – ALOHA! Well, the Spirit of the Aloha show at the Polynesian Resort! Budget Diva mentioned how it was the best money she spent on her trip and she is the BUDGET DIVA, so it must have been great. See here and also here for the Disney Diva’s review as well!!

B – Baby Centres. I no longer feel it will be insane to bring a BABY to Disney World or Disneyland after reading these articles.  I am a big supporter of Breastfeeding and was part of the La Leche League when my daughter was born. The Baby Centres at Disney World and Disneyland provide a wonderful place for you and your baby. Hmmmm, maybe it’s time to plan another one……. (Baby or Trip or BOTH!!)

C – Color Coding. Seriously, Princess Diva, color codes her plans to take on her trip AND she color codes her family and friends on vacation as well, see here and here how she does it!

D – DOLE WHIP! The Disney Diva gave myself and British Diva a serious tongue lashing when we mentioned that we have NEVER tried a Dole Whip….. (perhaps it’s a “Commonwealth” thing, eh Brit Diva??) A must try for me!

E – Extra Magic Hours. If you are staying at one of Disney World’s fabulous resorts, do take advantage of the EMH! Read Jersey Diva’s article on Extra Magic Hours. However, there are loads of tricks and tips on how to avoid crowds to make the most of your vacation, whether staying on property or off, see Disney Diva’s tips here.

F – FRUGAL? Want to save money? We have tonnes of great money saving articles. Some of my favorites are: Budget Diva’s DIY autograph book, Princess Diva’s Disney VISA card savings, and Disney Diva’s tip on adults eating off the kid’s menu here (no kidding!!). Plus, I SAVED money by learning from the Disney Diva to bring your own dress at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, read this article here.

G – Guilt Free.Want a guilt free vacation? Avoid these 7 DEADLY SINS of Disney World planning and your trip will be heavenly!!

H – Hoofing it! Once upon a time, I was THAT GIRL, that silly girl that would wear platform shoes or whatever weird shoe fashion trend to any amusement park. My feet would get sore by the end of the day, I would have cuts and bruises and even  twisted my ankle one time. Well NO MORE and definitely not at Disney World or Disneyland. This article will tell you why you need to wear the appropriate footwear at all the Theme Parks. (note: if you must wear sandals on a hot day, I suggest getting a GOOD QUALITY pair, like Geox or Clarks with a strap around your ankle for support, however like Disney Diva says, runners/ sneakers are the best!)

I – In Case of Emergency, BREAK GLASS, this article must have been my all time Disney Diva Favorites, I read it before my first trip to WDW. It HELPED me immensely (no yelling through clenched teeth!).

J – Jetlag. If you are visiting Disney from afar and traveling by air, you will experience Jet Lag. Read Brit Diva’s article on tips for people visiting from England, these tips are helpful to ease jet lag and avoid stress in other areas associated with long travel. These tips are great, not only for British Travelers but for anyone traveling from abroad. I come from Canada and I found her advise very useful.

K –  KIDS. Like Babies, you CAN bring your toddlers to Disney World and Disneyland and still have a great time. In all the Diva’s experiences these youngsters will still have a super time and with the right planning, you will be able to remain sane! See Diva Mommy‘s article here on tips for traveling with a Toddler. See also Budget Diva’s article on traveling with an older child and a younger child here. Are you going to Disneyland with your young ones? Read D’land Diva’s article here. And if your child, is, well not quite so young and has grown into a Teen, see these article on tips for bringing your Teens, the photo alone is worth the read!! Also read Teen Diva’s packing essential list for Teens.

L – LAUNDRY. is what I will be doing to save MONEY and my muscles from lugging too much baggage!! See this article from the Disney Diva for a GREAT tip on doing laundry at WDW. Also read here for Disney Diva’s packing spreadsheet, which will help you to avoid over packing!!

M – MISTAKES, we all make them, the power is to admit them, overcome them and WRITE ABOUT them to share with the DIVA readers. (So you don’t make them yourselves!) You must read Savvy Diva‘s BIGGEST mistake (you surely don’t want to miss this) and Budget Diva’s here as well!! D’land Diva also lists mistakes to avoid at Disneyland here.

N – No Kids? My mother and stepfather enjoyed Disney World, KID FREE. More and more adults without children, are choosing Disney World as their vacation destination, see this list for great Disney Vacation tips for Adults. Do you have kids but want to spend a romantic evening at WDW? Babysitting Services are available! Check this article here on tips for a kid free night at WDW.

O – “Obey Thy Ten Commandments!” Another Tips from the Disney Diva classic, see here for this must read and most popular article about mistakes people make while taking Disney Vacations.

P – Penny Pressed Souvenirs… this article by Savvy Diva,  I am lovn’! Did you know in Canada, they are going to discontinue our Pennies? Well, our family is collecting a bunch of them to bring to WDW and have these great, money saving souvenirs! THANK YOU Savvy Diva.

Q – Quiet places to rest, Disney Diva wrote about some terrific spots here and she also recently found a secret spot here. I will definitely be on the look out for these resting places when the Florida heat gets to my Canadian brain (and sore legs – Disney Diva has a cure for that too, read here!)

R – Rollercoasters! WDW has some of the BEST and most imaginative Rollercoasters in the whole wide WORLD! My daughter and I are true “Coaster Junkies”. Read here for Dixie Diva’s list on her Top 5  Rollercoasters. And of course, who better to know about THRILL RIDES? TEENS! Read Mini Diva’s review on her favorite and also her review of the scary Hollywood Tower of Terror!!

S – Streetmosphere at Hollywood Studios! The actor in me must try this. Nick the Devotee wrote an incredible article about his fun and interactive time with the amazing “Characters” on the streets of Hollywood (Disney) Boulevard!! Just reading this article made me smile!!

T – “Tinkerbelle” gifts… shhhhhhhhh, I am already scouring the dollar stores around my area and stashing away “Tinkerbelle” gifts to surprise my daughter on each day of our trip! Read this article by the Disney Diva as she shares the top 10 Tips for a better vacation, with Tinkerbelle gifts being the #1!!

U – Umbrellas and Rain Poncho’s, YOU WILL NEED. Don’t get stuck like me and pay for an overpriced Disney Parks umbrella which broke down the minute I got home. Luckily I read these tips for bringing Rain Poncho’s and saved money! We also used these cheap rain ponchos to put on the ground to sit on during fireworks when it was lightly raining, and we also gave extra ones we had to other Disney Guests who didn’t have them (because they didn’t read Tips from the Disney Diva!). We shared the magic by sharing!

V – Vomit… or if you feel sick with anything else. What happens when you get sick? Read here. Want to avoid feeling sick? Read Nick the Devo(tee)’s article here. Get motion sickness easily? Read this article on which WDW attractions you should avoid.

W – WORST times to go! Walt Disney World may be the most magical place on earth, but if you go during these times, you may not experience so much Magic!! PLAN your trip around this and you’ll thank us!! (of course there are exceptions to the rule, read Princess Diva’s article here on going during Christmas and Memory Makers Diva here on celebrating on July 4th. YIKES these Divas are brave and super planners!!). Want to go to Disneyland during a Holiday Season? Read D’land Diva’s article here to see which days you should avoid like the plague!!

X – “X”citement…. okay, I know it starts with an “E” but sounds like X. Read here on how to build the “X”citement to your trip. Too excited to sleep just before your Disney Trip? We call it TETSS (Too Excited To Sleep Syndrome), yes the DIVA team created this term to explain this oh so common condition. Read here on how to try and combat it!

Y – YUMMY! Disney World and Disneyland is known for their incredible and innovative dining experiences as well as popular food snacks.. The Tips from the Disney Diva team has very knowledgeable FOODIES’ who write delicious articles which will make your mouth water. Check this list for our informative reviews as well as how to eat gluten-free or to avoid foods which you may be allergic to and where to get the best vegetarian meals. We got you covered!!

Z – Zzzzzzzzzzzzz,  in Canada we say “Zed” but for the sake of this article it’s Zzzzzzzzzzz, which YOU will need. The Tips for the Disney Diva team has stayed in most of the Walt Disney World and Disneyland resorts, see this list for Resort Reviews. If you want to stay off property, see here for Disney Diva’s review and another great article here from Princess Diva for renting Disney Vacation Club Points. With the Tips from the Disney Diva’s help, you will surely find a great place to rest after a long day in the most Magical Place on Earth!!