Packing for a Walt Disney World vacation can be stressful, trying to figure out what you are going to need vs. how much space you have. We drive, so it makes it much easier to bring along all of the things that we need.
Over time I have compiled a list of items to take along, some of which are no longer necessary for my family, but might be for yours, so I thought I would share. Do you have any packing tips you would like to share?
Address labels and stamps – if you think you are going to be sending postcards, fill out the address labels at home, so you just have to stick them on a postcard and add the stamp you brought from home too.
After sun Gel -you will get a lot of sun, so using this at night will get you ready for the next day.
Antibacterial Soap– was way get some of the germs off your hands and you don’t have to search fora bathroom!
Autograph book -if you plan on getting character autographs. You can get them much cheaper at home, or sometimes Disneystore.com has them on sale or even consider the SignMyi iPhone/ iPad app the Disney Diva recently reviewed.
Backpack– its good idea for each person in your group to have their own backpack tocarry around their stuff. If one person carries everything it gets very heavy! If you have a Camelbak hydration pack, even better, especially on a hot August day!
Band-Aids or Moleskin-you never know what small injury you will need to treat. I actually pre-band-aid my toes to prevent blisters! Moleskin works for blisters! And Disney Diva SWEARS by Blisterstick. You can read more about keeping your feet in better condition HERE.
Bathing suit -bring a few. Even if you don’t think you will be going into the pool, you may change your mind.
Batteries/film/SD cards– much cheaper at home than in the Parks.
Body Glide –get this at a running store, Dicks or Sports Authority. Great for preventing chafing!
Books/magazines/Kindle/iPad/Nook – Long plane or car rides can seem a lot shorter with a good book or magazine. Don’t forget the chargers!
Clothes– Kind of obvious, but just in case…Disney is not a fashion show – you will see lots of adults wearing Disney Crocs and t-shirts they wouldn’t wear anywhere else, so think comfort. Shorts and T’s, bring a light jacket or sweatshirt for the winter, a rain poncho, baseball hat and sneakers. Check the weather before you leave home…who knows, it might actually be cool.
Confirmation Numbers– Bring a list of all confirmation numbers – flight, hotel, reservations, the rental car, etc. I keep them all on my phone so I know I will have them with me.
Contact lenses/Glasses/Sunglasses -bring an extra set, and all your cleaning supplies!
First Aid Kit– you never know what you will need. My son did a face-plant last summer and our kit really came in handy!
Guidebooks – Don’t forget your guidebooks and any notes that you have taken!
Gum –Disney does not sell gum – neither does the Orlando airport!
DS/iPod touch/phones -great for the kids while waiting in lines, waiting for parades, and that long plane trip. Don’t forget the chargers!
Frogg Toggs -these are really neat cooling chilly pad towels that you get at Lowes. Wet them, wring them out, and then put it around your neck, and it will keep you cool! We refrigerate ours overnight too!
Glow sticks/necklaces – Get them from the dollar store are good for kids to use at night, especially during parades.
Hats –You will need hats – keep your head cool and keeps the sun (and rain) out of your eyes
HiddenMickey Book (or phone ap) – gives you something to do while standing in all of those lines!
Kleenex – small individual packets of kleenex are great to have in your backpack
Laundry Detergent -pack individual Ziploc baggies with pre-measured detergent inside – and also bring dryer sheets. Really saves you some money if you are planning on doing laundry!
Lip Balm with sun screen -out in the air all day is hard on tender lips
Medications– any you would normally take. Bring copies of your prescriptions and your doctors phone number in case you lose them.
Mister – those small water bottles with battery operated fans on top. During the summer these will be lifesavers!!
Nail Clippers – just in case
Night Lights -We just buy some cheapo night-lights for in the hotel room. It is better than keeping the bathroom light on all night long. We just left them there when we check out.
Notebook– to write notes in, or to let the kids draw in. Bring some dollar store stickers too (or stop by a Disney Vacation Club stand) to keep kids busy inline.
Pennies and Quarters – for the zillions of pressed penny machines
Pins– For pin traders, stock up on trading pins before going to Disney. My son get spins on sale or clearance at Disneystore.com, Ebay or Disney outlet outside of the resort. Much cheaper than buying pins for trading at Disney.
Proof of Auto Insurance -that way you wont have to get that extra insurance if you rent a car.
Rain Poncho– buy the $1 ponchos at Target / Wal-Mart. Get ones that match, so that you can find each other in a sea of Disney ponchos.
Sandals/flip flops/water shoes –The ground gets very hot by the pools in the summer.
Sensible shoes –Comfy, well-broken in shoes are essential. Bring two pairs if you have the room– because if it rains (and it will) your shoes will get wet first!!
Socks (lots of socks) -We found that changing our socks many times during the day made us feel fresher! Plus, if it rains (and it will) dry feet make a big difference! Extra underwear is a good idea too!!
Sharpies or pens– for Character signatures.
Swim goggles– pictures don’t look good with red eyes from the chlorine!
Suitcase– If you are driving, fill an extra suitcase with snacks or water, then you can use the suitcase to bring home souvenirs.
Sunscreen – We like the spray kind – easy to apply.
Tickets – If you didn’t do will-call, make sure you bring any tickets you pre-purchased!
Tums/Pepto – overeating can cause some pretty bad tummy aches.
Tylenol/Advil/Aspirin (your pain reliever of choice!) – chances are you might get a headache/backache/foot-ache from being spun around, dehydrated, or from too much walking, or maybe come down with a cold.
Vinylmation Mickey– We have the characters sign a large Vinylmation Mickey Mouse, that way we can display it at home and not just have the signatures in a drawer somewhere.
Water– order a case or two of water a week or so before heading to Disney. Have it delivered to your resort and it will be waiting for you at check-in. I always for this and it saves a ton of $$$. Sometimes, I will also bring those single serving ice tea, lemonade and juice mixes to add to the water.
Water Wings for young swimmers – You will be able to use the ones that go on the kids’s arms, but not the inner-tube kinds.
Wipes –even if you don’t have a baby, these wipes come in handy. Use them to clean sticky hands, to clean off dirty benches before you sit down, etc. They also do a great job cleaning up spills on clothes…not sure what is in these things, but they are magic!
Ziploc Bags– I can not stress enough how important these are. There are so many uses for these bags, I am not even sure where to start! I use them to hold my phone and credit cards, my tickets, tissues, wipes…the list goes on and on.
You can find a customizable Packing List ON our new Free Disney Diva iPhone/ iPad App HERE. You can also find a printable checklist HERE.
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