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By Devo CabDisney

There are so many restaurant choices across the Walt Disney World Resort property. So when you’re making your vacation plans, it can be difficult to decide where to dine. I’m just going to go ahead and help you out here and tell you that you really need to check out Raglan Road! Situated in The Landing area of Disney Springs, this Irish pub and restaurant has some of the best food I’ve ever had in Disney World! This table service restaurant is very popular, so you’ll want to make reservations, just to be safe!


I have to say that I really love the atmosphere that they have created! There’s lively entertainment with live bands and some pretty talented dancers. Not to mention all the little details found throughout the restaurant. You’ll want to take a little time to soak it all in and truly appreciate it all.


So now let’s get to the good stuff…the menu! I’m talking about some good ol’ Irish comfort food! Make sure you come hungry! I was unable to finish everything and I walked away completely stuffed! You’ll find a wide variety of menu items, so it’s pretty safe for the whole family! Of course, if you’re looking for beer, there’s plenty on tap as well!


We tried two different entrees. The Braised Be Beef was absolutely delicious! The braised beef is tender and juicy, served over horseradish mashed potatoes. Now don’t let that horseradish scare you away! It’s just the perfect hint of horseradish flavor! This is served with a side of roasted carrots and parsnips, which are very crisp but tasty!


Another entrée we tried is the Keen Eye for the Shepard’s Pie. This is a traditional Shepard’s Pie with a contemporary twist. As you can see, the presentation is much different from what you may be used to, but the flavor is just as good, or maybe even better!


Moving on to dessert, I have to tell ya that this place is worth the trip just for the dessert! I’ll tell ya why in just a minute. One dessert that we tried is Chocolate Heaven. If you love chocolate, you will love this dessert. It’s just chocolaty goodness on a plate drizzled with even more chocolate. When the menu says that it is Chef Dundon’s gift to America… they mean it! 


Now the one dessert that will keep me going back for me is the Ger’s Bread & Butter Pudding. You’re going to need to brace yourself for this one cause this is intense and is seriously one of the best things I’ve ever eaten in my life. Our waitress highly recommended the bread pudding, but I usually don’t listen. In fact, I like bread pudding, but I don’t love it. But I went with my gut and listened. Tip #1 listen to your waitress! Tip #2 Get the Bread & Butter Pudding! Seriously! Go there and only order the Bread & Butter Pudding if you have to, but whatever you do, you really need to order the Bread & Butter Pudding! It comes in a cup that doesn’t look at big, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in taste! In fact it was so much that I couldn’t finish it. It comes with a small cup of cream and a small cup of sweetened butter. What you need to do is just pour the cream and butter over the bread and just let it soak in. Your taste buds will thank you!

Tip #3 Get reservations. I think this is pretty common sense in terms of getting a table, but even if you know you’re going when it’s not as busy, still get reservations. The reason I say this is because you will have a better seat if you have reservations. I watched people walk in and request a table close to the stage, but all of those tables are limited to guests with reservations. Maybe that’s not important to you, but none the less, it’s always best to be safe!

I think you and your family will love Raglan Road! Everyone should try it at least once. As for me, I’m going to try it over and over again!

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